Meet us – Discover the Team Building activities of Creativando

A compilation of the activities we carry out at Creativando. Therefore, a different, original and creative point of view to get your company to discover how to improve its teamwork, promote its values and increase cohesion in the group of employees.

At Creativando we have Team Building performances organized so that the participants enjoy the day and achieve the objectives.

Articles and updates on our activities at Creativando

In these posts you will find the specific cases of each client. You will also have access to more information about all our Team Building actions.

Team Building helps improve teamwork, motivation and leadership. In addition, at Creativando we have a production, creation and development department for our own activities.

In this blog you will find success stories, specific events as well as other points of view to carry out Team Building actions and thus improve the course of our company.

Trash Challenge: a sustainable beach cleaning challenge in Malaga


Trash Challenge: a sustainable beach cleaning challenge in Malaga By combining a Team Building activity with a CSR action such as the Trash Challenge, the result is a very comprehensive business initiative that benefits both company employees and the environment. Companies are increasingly aware of the pollution problem we are facing, a problem that affects [...]

Trash Challenge: a sustainable beach cleaning challenge in Malaga2023-03-22T14:29:15+00:00

Charity Chain!


Charity Chain! Without a doubt, one of the most rewarding activities we have carried out this past year took place in Barcelona. A fun and interesting Corporate Social Responsibility activity for all three parties; donors, organisers and recipients. We travelled from the south of Spain to the Catalan capital [...]

Charity Chain!2023-03-22T19:36:15+00:00

Charity 4 x 4 Route


Charity 4 x 4 Route Once again this year, with the Christmas season approaching, we joined forces with AMG to plan a charity adventure. AMG is very committed and aware of the importance and impact of Corporate Social Responsibility. On this occasion they asked us for adventure, engines and [...]

Charity 4 x 4 Route2023-03-22T19:30:34+00:00

Christmas with values


Christmas with values CSR activities are a unique opportunity to convey your company's values to your employees and demonstrate your corporate commitment to society. Every company has a Corporate Social Responsibility plan and, within it, Creativando has a lot to say, because charity activities are a great way to put [...]

Christmas with values2023-03-22T14:18:10+00:00

Escape room for children


Escape room for children Escape rooms are a very interesting way to work on values, objectives and even to carry out employee evaluations or job interviews. When an important aeronautical company contacted us asking for something different that could fit in with their CSR strategy, whilst looking for an innovative experience, we knew [...]

Escape room for children2023-03-22T19:24:58+00:00