Workshops in Creativando
The Creativando workshops are activities to promote creativity, manual ability and dexterity, and fellowship.

Mainly, they are perfect for getting to know more about the place we visit on a business trip in a totally practical way. They are activities specially designed to enter fully, get your hands in the dough and not stop practicing our skills. Don’t be scared! Even if you are not a D.I.Y. crack, with our workshops you will be able to develop your creative side. In addition, thanks to our specific activities production department, we turn each workshop into a unique activity. We customize everything according to the wishes and needs of each company. In this way, we turn each workshop into an incredible experience.

From how to become percussion music aces to how to learn the ins and outs of paella. The Creativando workshops will not leave anyone indifferent, you will surely want to repeat.
These are some of our workshops… We are waiting for you!