
We will slowly make our way, to the sound of sevillanas and enjoying the day. Let’s go on a pilgrimage!

Our clients will enjoy a real pilgrimage as it is experienced in the south of Spain. With this activity you will be able to experience an authentic Andalusian experience, from our land. You will participate in an activity in an atmosphere of friendship and joy, taking part in the party and the walk with the whole group. It will also strengthen team spirit, integration and cohesion.

All this, accompanied by stops where there will be plenty of local wine and typical snacks. Creativando’s pilgrimage is a completely customisable activity in terms of theme and details, where we will highlight different group values. Once we have arrived at our destination (depending on the area where the pilgrimage takes place) we will enjoy dinner at a traditional local house.

This type of celebration is usually held in spring, mainly between the months of April and June. However, at Creativando we can organise a pilgrimage at any time of the year, as long as the weather is good. It is a totally outdoor activity, so we want to look for idyllic landscapes, good weather and the best conditions to walk the route.


  • Minimum number of people for the activity: 20 pax (to be discussed with the production team for larger or smaller groups).

  • Test location: Outdoors.

  • Duration of the activity: 3 hours (can be extended if followed by dinner or lunch).

  • Includes material for the pilgrimage and vehicles to transport people and belongings. Monitors and coordinators to oversee the activity and complete organisation of the pilgrimage are also included.

Characteristics of this Team Building activity

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